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Photography workshop

Intensive practical training with the basic tools in the field of digital photography, photography skills.

Study with a professional photographer

Students immerse themselves in the art and craft of photography, become familiar with the tools needed for photography, and improve their skills through learning digital processing. Developing their skills, students explore, learn to think and make their own creative projects in artistic, documentary, or journalistic photography. Extend their knowledge with working with light and shadow, with professional lighting, as well as an inexpensive and non-traditional practical light source. The program is designed for intensive study of the art of photography and conveys the important experience of professional photographers.


Occupation Topics:


1. Camera. Classification. The device closures. The main technical requirements for the design. Viewfinders.

Crop factor. Device matrix


2. Lenses. Device. Lens materials. Blocks. Wide-angle, standard, telephoto lenses. Special lenses. Mirror-lens designs.

Zummy and their schemes. Autofocus. Aspherical lenses.

Diaphragm as a design. Scale of depth of field.


3. Plein. Shooting from one point with different lenses.

Shooting at the same scale with different lenses from different distances. Shooting with a fully open and closed aperture.


4. Light and lighting. Spectral composition. Measurements.

Devices. Units of measurement. Expopar expotroyka.

Iso Methods for measuring incident and reflected light.

Exposure errors.


5. Camera presets for color temperature - sun, lamps, shade, etc. Devices focusing screens. White balance. Location of exposure metering sensors.


6. Outbreaks and their features. Attached and remote.

Extension cord. Menu.


7. Perspective, as a concept and as a reception. Compression of space with telephoto lenses and wide-angle distortion.

Receptions shooting with wiring.


8. Creative use of the camera at the shooting stage.

Slow sync. Light brush. Zooming on long exposure. Multiprisms, etc.


9. Artificial light sources. Mixed lighting.

System and non-system devices. Exposure calculation.


10. Equipment in the studio. The purpose of the light fluxes.

Filling, drawing, backlit, background light.

Leading number Power adjustment.


11. Camera menu. Differences between different systems and devices.

Parsing successively all operations. Settings.


12. Answers to questions about shooting. Parsing work.

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