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F. Fedorov

Такелажные работы у деррика  3 на строительстве Гидроэлектростанции.1937.jpg
Строительство плотины Гидроэлектростанции .1937.jpg
Растяжка опалубки левобережной стенки отстойника. Блок 2, массив 28.1937.jpg
Рабочие на гравиосортировочном заводе.1937.jpg
Рабочие молотят пшеницу комбайном.1933.чирчик.jpg
промывные галерие плотины гидроэлектростанции.1937.jpg
Печь кирпичного завода.1937.чирчик.jpg
Общий вид плотины.1938.jpg
Облицовочные работы на строительстве Гидроэлектростанции.1937.jpg
Монтаж турбины на тепловой станции.1936.jpg
Монтаж турбины  2 на тепловой станции.1936.jpg
Монтаж лесопильной рамы с пропускной способностью 100 кв. метров бревен в сутки,
Левобережные устои плотины Головного узла.1936.jpg
Комсомолец Петров на стреле экскаватора Головного узла Чирчикстроя.1934.jpg
Внутренний вид насосной станции Головного узла.1936.jpg
Бычек 1 на строительстве Гидроэлектростанции 1937.jpg
Бригадир Царьков и плотник-десятник Недбайло у бетоно-мешалки.jpg
Бригада Сорокина на монтаже экскаватора.jpg
Бригада монтёров на монтаже щита постоянного тока на 7500 ампер на опытном химза
Бетономешалка на Базарсае.1936.jpg

Photos of the photojournalist F. Fedorov, taken in 1934-1937 during the construction of industrial events in the city of Chirchik. Fyodorov's name is little known to amateurs and connoisseurs of old photography.

The time of Fedorov's work was the heyday of industrial and psychological photography. Such well-known masters as M. Penson, G. Zelma, A. Shaikhet, B. Kudoyarov at the call of the then media turned their lenses to the construction of a new industrial base for the state, which in those years was the focus of society. Man and machine, the pathos of changing the environment with mastodon-like structures made of metal, glass and wood, the genuine enthusiasm of young builders - all this really conveyed the spirit of the times and is thus valuable for us today. It should not be forgotten that this topic was very fertile for constructivist constructions in the frame. In the 20-30s of the XX century, constructivism was perceived as the most advanced style in art and, of course, all recognized masters of photography paid tribute to it.

The romance of a radical change in life, everyday life, landscape with the help of cyclopean structures made of beams, gears and chains (something in the spirit of good old Jules Verne) is seen in all the works of F. Fedorov presented. But, despite this, the person in his photographs almost always remains the main active principle. Even if there is no human figure in the picture, the viewer perfectly understands that the rampage of technology that is taking place in front of him is initiated by a creator-worker who joyfully (look at the smiling or concentrated faces of his heroes) transforms the untouched world of the Chirchik valley.

This is probably the main attraction of these remarkable photographic documents, which reveal to us the name of another talented Uzbek master of photography.





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